Infidel (Sonnet)

1. The first time my wife went abroad was the first time I slept alone since the day I got married.

2. The first time I took off my wedding ring left me with discomfort, but I didn’t believe you would go for me when I learned that you were married.

3. I remember us exchanging small talk at the grocery, which raised my spirits until you smiled, turned around, and walked away.

4. I remember wishing your husband was absent also, upon learning that you too had no children and you lived only two doors away.

5. Nothing happens the way you plan it, for even as I promised myself to steer away from you, I couldn’t believe my luck when you offered me a ride in your car.

6. Nothing compares to a ten-minute walk with a woman you like, and as I carry your groceries home, I thank God you didn’t take your car.

7. Since my wife departed, the loneliness finally sank in, and I couldn’t believe it when you appeared at my doorstep with a bottle of tequila; I let you in at once.

8. Since I was pissed drunk the previous night, I acquired temporary amnesia, so I could hardly believe it when I saw your naked body beside me; I jumped up and got dressed at once.

9. You rolled down your window and offered me a ride again; I suddenly realized that you have an annoyingly whiny voice, and it would be torture to talk to you.

10. You showed up at my door again with pornography and another bottle of tequila, and I can’t believe that you only look prettier the less clothes there are on you.

11. As you bombard me with psychotic messages (I leave unanswered), I leave a message at my wife’s hotel, telling her to call me as soon as she gets back.

12. As my cellular phone keeps ringing (which I don’t answer), my wife calls long distance; I tell her I miss her and can’t wait to have her back.

13. Looking out my window, I saw you waiting in your car for me to come out, and I just couldn’t believe that what I wished for actually happened.

14. Looking up the flight schedules, I carried my bag to the departure gate, where I would soon be joining my wife, and never breathe a word about what actually happened.

*circa 24 Mar 2006. Original version circa 13 Feb 2006.

Sting Lacson

A writer. By degree and by profession. Also strongly advocates ten-finger typing to all writers because that's what you do for a living, so be efficient at it.

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