Psalm 420

I am the Shepherd
and this is My flock.
The coolest flock of sheep
in the universe.

These sheep answer to Me
and only to Me.
They do not run from
the sound of My voice
nor do they shy away from
the touch of My hand.

Their pen has been equipped
with high-definition CCTV surveillance cameras
and is surrounded by a
high-voltage perimeter barb-wire fence,
while I carry
a sniper rifle (with laser-sight
and night-vision technology) with Me
wherever I go.

And should any one of them
accidentally stray into the badlands,
a full rescue squad is sent
to retrieve them immediately.

But it has come to my attention
that one of you is a spy.
You are not really a sheep
but a wolf disguised as one.

As you all know, anyone caught
impersonating a sheep
shall be executed on the spot.

His name shall be erased from the halls of Valhalla,
his soul shall burn in the fires of Hades,
and his carcass shall be cast down from the top of Mt. Zion.

For whosoever messes with My flock
messes with Me
and I will strike you down
until you cease to exist.

*circa June 2004

Sting Lacson

A writer. By degree and by profession. Also strongly advocates ten-finger typing to all writers because that's what you do for a living, so be efficient at it.

The Queen of Heart(break)s, or What Have I Become After Twenty-Four Years

Many wonder what it's really like:
Am I as powerful as I think I am?
Reality bites with the jaws of a cobra.
I've also realized that I can bite harder.
End of discussion.

Angel, they say I am.
Nobody would say otherwise.
Generally, I am a pleasant ray of sunshine,
Enveloping everyone around me
Like a fog in a naval battle,
Intensifying the tension.

Charm is my secret weapon
And with it, I can bleed hearts dry.

Must I use my power for myself?
Endless possibilities open up
Right in front of me.

Zip my gown, curl my eyelashes,
And announce the coming of the Queen of Heart(break)s.

Twenty-four years on this planet --
Hardly even reached my prime.
Even so, I now hold two hearts in my hands.
Look what I can do to them.

Might just be my imagination, but
One heart seems to be more badly damaged.

*Birthday poem for AT 2008.

Sting Lacson

A writer. By degree and by profession. Also strongly advocates ten-finger typing to all writers because that's what you do for a living, so be efficient at it.

The Amazon Queen

The Amazon Queen
had a necklace with the teeth of an alligator
that she killed when she was still a princess.
(One tooth was missing
but no one noticed
because no one except Her knew
how many teeth an alligator had.)

And then came Man.

Man had come
with his tools for measurements
“To study nature,” he said
“for three days. And then,
I shall leave.”

The Amazon Queen
did not like the way
Man looked at Her
when he spoke.

On the first day
She took Man with Her
to hunt across the river.
Upon reaching the waters,
Man crossed the river first.
This angered the Amazon Queen
who crossed the water after him
and shouted in his face.

“Do you not know that it is considered rude
to cross the river before the Queen?”

And Man answered “I crossed first
to test the waters for piranhas.”

On the second day
She took Her spear to go hunting
and noticed the spear-head was different.
She knew at once who had done it.

“Do you not know,” She told Man
“that it is a crime to tamper with the Queen’s weapons?”

Man answered Her, “I noticed that
the spear-head was damaged, so I changed it
before You went hunting.”

On the third day
Man gave Her something small and white in Her hand.
“I noticed Your necklace
had alligator teeth. But I counted it
and found one missing.
Add this tooth to Your necklace
and now it is complete.”

The Amazon Queen
threw the tooth into the river
and angrily exclaimed:

“My necklace is perfect.
I am not missing a tooth.”

That night, Man left
never to return.

The next day
the Amazon Queen
realized too late
that She could not bring him back.

So she waded into the river
hoping to find
the tooth She had thrown away.

For Aika 8-11-05

Sting Lacson

A writer. By degree and by profession. Also strongly advocates ten-finger typing to all writers because that's what you do for a living, so be efficient at it.

My-Girl-Left-Me-for-a-Guy-with-a-Car Club

It's more like a support group, really.

Fred, for example, loved his girl so much
Only he was too dependent, too attached,
Relying too much on her emotional mood swings.
Girl soon left him for a basketball player in an SUV.

Isaac, for instance, was a weakling,
Very skinny, always picking his nose.
Eventually, his girl started riding in her boss's limo.
You all know what happens after that.

On the other hand, Paul, artist extraordinaire,
Undeniably talented, but an aggressive hothead.
Always humiliated and yelled at his girl in public.
In the end, she left him for a defensive driver.

Kenneth, meanwhile, would always use force on his girl
At times when she would walk out of an argument.
Then one last time, she stood up and walked out,
Heading straight into the open doors of someone's sports car.

Each meeting started with the four gathered 'round,
Loudly chanting the club's motto/mantra:
My girl left me. But was it really the car?
Or was it something else entirely?

*Oct 29 2008

Sting Lacson

A writer. By degree and by profession. Also strongly advocates ten-finger typing to all writers because that's what you do for a living, so be efficient at it.

My Literary Side

"The Words come from the Divine; from the Muse the Idea. The Poet merely transcribes." ┼Old Sumerian proverb

(Kidding, I made that up. LOL)

