Who Am I?

Who am I?

I'm not Batman.
I'm no crime-fighting caped crusader
that flies to the rescue faster than 911.

Who am I?

I'm no chameleon,
no top-secret US Army stealth project.
I'm no master of disguise
yet I can disappear at will
with no invisibility cloak or hocus pocus.

Who am I?

I'm no gladiator,
no Russell Crowe.
No King of the Jews holier-than-thou messiah
that will sacrifice my life to save your ass.

I'm nobody.
    The person behind you in the grocery,
    that noisy guy beside you in church,
    the classmate you forget as soon as school's out.
I don't deserve any special treatment
because you don't really care anyway.

So who am I?

circa 8 Nov 2005

Sting Lacson

A writer. By degree and by profession. Also strongly advocates ten-finger typing to all writers because that's what you do for a living, so be efficient at it.

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My Literary Side

"The Words come from the Divine; from the Muse the Idea. The Poet merely transcribes." ┼Old Sumerian proverb

(Kidding, I made that up. LOL)

