From the Corner Apartment Bathroom Window on the First Floor

A woman was crying
over a pregnancy test kit result –
one line –
considering her age
(she turned 42 last week),
over ten years married
and still childless

while from another bathroom window
one floor above

a woman was crying
over a pregnancy test kit result ––
two lines – –
considering her age
(she turns 22 next Tuesday),
with four children
from three fathers.

*conceived circa Jan 2017
written 30 May 2019

Sting Lacson

A writer. By degree and by profession. Also strongly advocates ten-finger typing to all writers because that's what you do for a living, so be efficient at it.

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My Literary Side

"The Words come from the Divine; from the Muse the Idea. The Poet merely transcribes." ┼Old Sumerian proverb

(Kidding, I made that up. LOL)

