
I am
when it comes to

I can only
that are
close to

Sting Lacson

A writer. By degree and by profession. Also strongly advocates ten-finger typing to all writers because that's what you do for a living, so be efficient at it.


Why do you
chide your child
for having
a bong in his hand
while you have
blood on yours?

"You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."
-Ieshua ben Yosef, The Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 7, verse 5

Sting Lacson

A writer. By degree and by profession. Also strongly advocates ten-finger typing to all writers because that's what you do for a living, so be efficient at it.


It is the unexpected
that puts the wonder
in wonderful.

are priceless.

So it is in the movies,
when an award-winning actor
suddenly appears
in unrecognizable make-up
for just two minutes
of screen time.
So it is in music,
when during a rock concert,
a rapper suddenly walks onstage
to spit out verses,
creating a remix
that is not in the album
version of the song.
So it is in novels,
when a sudden twist
destroys the
plot's predictability,
creating a
new narrative
arc altogether.

And so
it is
in real

*Valentines Day 2010

Sting Lacson

A writer. By degree and by profession. Also strongly advocates ten-finger typing to all writers because that's what you do for a living, so be efficient at it.


U = Euphoria
X = Ecstasy
T = Time

(Defintion-"Ecstasy": The intensity of a positive emotion.)


Euphoria equals Ecstasy
times Time.

Ecstasy is inversely proportional to Time.

Greater Ecstasy times
lesser Time
lesser Ecstasy times
greater Time.

An intense,
romantic, one-
week affair is
greater than or equal to
a dull, predictable ten-
year marriage.

*Old poem, circa 27 Aug 2009

Sting Lacson

A writer. By degree and by profession. Also strongly advocates ten-finger typing to all writers because that's what you do for a living, so be efficient at it.

The Bone

He opened her wardrobe
expecting to find
that skeleton
from her freshman
college science lab.
But he found it empty
(then he suddenly remembered
she already
cleared her closet)
save for
one, single
bone, the longest in the body,
a femur ─ thigh bone ─
and he doesn't know if it's left
or right.

It bothered him,
for the bone stank
like bacteria-
infested cat feces.

With surgical gloves,
he picked it up,
and saw that the bone
was made of plastic,
which made him wonder
"How can
something synthetic stink so?"

He wanted to take a shovel
and bury it, but
he didn't want to
burn that many calories
for a fake bone
that's not even good enough
for a dog to chew on.

So he went outside,
drew back his arm,
and launched the bone like a projectile,
hurling it like a home run
fired from a cannon.

And the bone landed
in a garbage dump,
with the other trash,
where it belonged.

Sting Lacson

A writer. By degree and by profession. Also strongly advocates ten-finger typing to all writers because that's what you do for a living, so be efficient at it.

If There Is Background Noise

If there is background noise
on both ends of the phone
then you are really, really lucky
              for there is nothing more sickening than
              the sight of two people in love
as they let each other know
their X and Y coordinates

              You want her to know where you are
              because you want to know where she is

If there is background noise
only on your end of the phone
(highly unlikely, considering she’s
              a very, very nice girl) she could be
              in a hotel room in Paris
while at home you are thinking
she’ll spend the weekend at her sister’s

              You want to know where she is
              because you want her all to yourself

Now if there is background noise
on just her end of the phone
then you should reflect on your actions:
              A girl like that doesn’t deserve to be left
              in the dark, alone and clueless
when you told her you had to work
overtime (with your secretary)

              She wants to know where you are
              But you don’t want to tell her

But if the background noise disappears
on both sides of the phone
then maybe it’s about time.
              You failed to notice her
              noise faded a long time ago
while you were giving her lame excuses
and she doesn’t give a damn where you are at all

*Old poem, circa May 17, 2005

Sting Lacson

A writer. By degree and by profession. Also strongly advocates ten-finger typing to all writers because that's what you do for a living, so be efficient at it.

My Literary Side

"The Words come from the Divine; from the Muse the Idea. The Poet merely transcribes." ┼Old Sumerian proverb

(Kidding, I made that up. LOL)

